Rabbi Mendy Teldon,
Commack, NY
Have you ever wondered how Shluchim manage their day to day spending? How do they make ends meet? Is it really possible to maintain a budget while on shlichus? Hear first hand how a Shliach manages his personal and moisad finances, and shares what he learned through lots of experience and hard work in the field.

Rabbi Teldon will introduce you to the basics of banking and budgeting, with an emphasis on cash flow. You will learn about proper banking habits, why and how to avoid debt, and even how to begin working on personal savings. In addition, Rabbi Teldon will help you learn to manage your own personal finances with a unique format to be customized for all different types of income and expenses. He will also show you how to distinguish between Chabad and personal expenses.
Focusing on your Chabad house needs, you will learn how to project your monthly and annual income through maintaining realistic donation goals, and tracking and prioritizing Chabad expenses. Rabbi Teldon will give you clarity so that you can IyH keep the Chabad house budget organized, realistic and suitable for your needs. He will discuss how to structure your various bank accounts, and share tips and strategies for making your budget appealing to your Balabatim.
Rabbi Teldon has been coaching Shluchim in this area for several years. Here, he will also present you with a uniquely formatted budgeting program catered to you and your personal moisad needs. Registration for this session includes a custom Shlichus Clarity program for each Shliach (see www.ShlichusClarity.com).
Join us for a four-part online seminar with Rabbi Mendel Teldon.
Open to all Shluchim with an emphasis on those who are moving out and who have been out on Shlichus for 15 years or less.
Covered Topics
Four Wednesdays. Two Time Options.
12:00 PM and 8:00 PM EDT (begins on 18 Tammuz 5784)
Subsidized Rate:
Includes the ShlichusClarity 4.0 spreadsheet
($199 value)